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Setting Up a Project Plan

Drive Lynx Tutorial

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Project Task Variation

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Man concentrating
Grappling with razor thin margins? Lessons from the logistics industry

Hundreds of builders have gone bust this year and more are expected to follow, according to “Construction Woes” an ABC TV 7.30 Report episode that aired last night.

Indigenous Civil Group Partners with EV20

EV20 will develop an operations management software solution that will trail blaze next generation Indigenous construction providers in Australia.

Turn projects profitable
Five tips to increasing profit margins on construction projects

Here are some must-have priorities to managing increases in fixed costs and maintaining acceptable thresholds of project margin.

Two people working
Construction project management is ready for a shake up

Drive Lynx is a project management software as a service that will disrupt the SaaS market in three ways. Take a 14 day free Test Drive!

Two people working
Comprehensive project management tool Drive Lynx to disrupt

Drive Lynx is a project management software as a service that will disrupt the SaaS market in three ways. Take a 14 day free Test Drive!

How To Build Business Transformation In and Around Your People

When surveyed about business transformation priorities, 99% of a group of global business leaders said their people came before any […]

10 Common Mistakes Made When Setting Up a New Warehouse

Managing a warehouse move is a complex project that requires best practice knowledge and detailed execution. During the last five […]

Top “What If” Scenarios for Project Managers

Setting a project plan and timeline these days is tough. There are so many disruptions that it’s almost certain that […]