Top “What If” Scenarios for Project Managers

Setting a project plan and timeline these days is tough. There are so many disruptions that it’s almost certain that your timeline will not run to schedule without a few setbacks and what if scenarios.

Using a project management software tool keeps you well equipped to manage projects in 2022 and beyond. Their functionality lets you move project timelines around, seek out possibilities and ‘what if’ scenarios (both intuitive and dynamic) and leverage previous project learnings (artificial intelligence).

There are many Project Management Software tools on the market as subscription services. Ensure that you select a reputable company that specialises in reliable, secure software and good support.

So, what are the top “What if” scenarios for 2022? Well, let’s jump in and find out.

Top Eight What If Scenarios for Project Managers in 2022

  1. What if my client demands COVID-19 vaccinated Contractors on site?

One thing is for sure, clients will demand more scrutiny at the induction phase before your contractors or staff enter their sites.

A good project management tool should have the functionality that lets project managers send notifications to project resources requesting certificate uploads or information required for inductions before visiting client sites.

In the United States, high-profile employers such as Netflix, Google and Delta Airlines have already introduced vaccination policies.

  1. What if my project is put on hold due to an outbreak on site?

Shifting timelines will become a regular occurrence in 2022 and beyond. According to a McKinsey study, adopting an agile posture, continually assessing risks, and adjusting operations is necessary with respect to the current COVID-19 pandemic. For this type of micro-management, a project management software tool that makes changes quick and easy with a hold and re-release function, communicating changes to project resources via notifications.

  1. What if my industry imposes other new regulatory requirements?

If your project resources do not have adequate training certificates before they go on site it could cost you and your reputation greatly. Visibility over compliance from contractors and sub-contractors is often difficult but mandatory to manage.

A good project management tool will include certificate uploads allowing your resources to easily upload their relevant compliance and certificate proof, allowing you to select the right people for the tasks and projects. There may also be different compliance requirements in different regions or states. A tool that lets you search for project resources by state will assist.

  1. What if I win a new project and cannot resource it appropriately?

Ramping up and ramping down in volatile times is a challenge. Perhaps the largest ongoing battle for project managers is finding the right people for the job at the right time. Many industries are suffering from skills shortages, causing movement in workforce availability.

Project management software allows for you to build databases of your contractors and employees that can be searched by skillset. A good project management software tool also allows for you to forward plans to build your resources in the future skills required for your projects.

Using a tool also allows for you to view multiple projects to see where resources might be on hold in one project and available for another.

  1. What if I don’t find out about project task delays until it’s too late?

Managing remote workforces is difficult for most project managers. Seeking vital information about  hours worked, quality of work and progress of the task allocated can be like getting blood from a stone.

In the current climate, real time data is more crucial than ever before, as project managers juggle multiple projects with disruptions all around them. COVID restrictions also make it difficult for project managers to be on site, so reliance on resource communication is vital.

Mobile apps are the best mode for communication between project managers and remote workers for ease of use, and real time data input that allows for project managers to know as soon as there’s a problem with a task or worker, allowing more time to develop a plan B.

  1. What if my project requires overtime to make up for delays?

More often than ever, overtime will be a regular occurrence and calculating each resources additional hours across multiple teams and projects can become a nightmare. Project managers are also responsible for safe shift times and reduced human error. Having a mobile app for easy recording of overtime is a great solution in 2021 and beyond.

  1. What if a vital project resource goes on leave without my knowing?

It’s no good allocating resources to a project when you were unaware that they are about to go on leave.

Organizations are more and more often releasing flexible work and leave arrangements to keep their workers engaged. These factors have ramifications for project managers and their resource allocation. Full visibility over leave entitlements and leave intention is a must for projects and can be built into the settings of your project management tool.

  1. What if I have forgotten to factor in public holidays?

These days, there’s a national public holiday for achieving the end of lock down. What’s even more confusing, is the various state by state or province public holidays that affect your project resources availability. Having a calendar for each resource allows for you to see their availability based on the public holidays in their state or province, making allocation and timelines accurate.

Drive Lynx is a project management software portal that accelerates project performance.

Find out more about Drive Lynx here.

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