Project Task Variation

2.02 Project Task Variation

Once you’ve followed the Project Plan tutorials, you are now ready to manage variations day to day.

Go to the Project Tasks page in the Planning Module and select a date range.

This page is helpful for variations to tasks due to staff becoming ill or need to be re-prioritised to another project or task. It is also applicable when assets are no longer available and need to be swapped out for other assets.

You can swap our people, assets and change start or end dates to tasks from the Project Task page.

You can also re-arrange this page according to a particular date range to take a narrow view of your projects. It can also be filtered by person or asset; start or end date and select a few options from a drop menu.

Drive Lynx will not only automatically notify the new resource if you have re-allocated the task, it will also synchronise the changes you’ve made within the project plan.

Watch our 10 minute Masterclass to understand how this powerful feature can be applied to your daily planning.

Project Plan