Indigenous Civil Group Partners with EV20

EV20 Consulting Group has announced a partnership with Indigenous civil group, R And C Civil Group, to develop an operations management software solution that will trail blaze next generation Indigenous construction providers in Australia.

The partnership will foster the R And C Civil Group values:

  • Bridging the gap – for equality in business, regardless of status or race.
  • Thiyama-li Wuu-ri (Lift up and give back) – providing opportunity and skills development to Indigenous communities for greater subsistence in their living and working.

The Drive Lynx operations and project management software solution for the construction industry helps “Bridge the gap” by linking projects, people and processes via tasks or their own service portal. The automated tender process, scheduling and template features allow for subcontractors to access equal opportunities either to meet tender requirements or to provide availability and capability to work.

The Drive Lynx operations and project management software solution for the construction industry helps “Lift up and give back” by taking a gradual approach to using digital technology. Subcontractors learn to use the software, firstly as project resources under R And C Civil Group’s projects, to eventually running their own Drive Lynx accounts at a very affordable subscription, all via one log in and multiple accounts.

Rob Dennis, Managing Director and owner of R And C Civil Group, indicated that he is excited to work with EV20 as both companies share common values with a strong focus on people at the centre of everything we do.

“Our use of the Drive Lynx project management software and the newly formed partnership will enable R And C Civil Group to work more closely with local Aboriginal community partners in everything that we do.  As a 100% Aboriginal owned business, we want to give back to the community while introducing modern software technology into all our business practices including the work we do with other Aboriginal businesses.”

EV20 Consulting Group is an Australian software start-up with 400 years of shared experience amongst its programmers and 250 years of shared experience amongst its operations team. The Executive Chairman is former Toll Global Logistics President, Chris Pearce.

According to Chris, digital technology is a powerful enabler for bridging gaps and building capability.

“EV20 is made up of a passionate group of professionals whose purpose is to develop software that actually delivers excellence in industry and is well supported locally in Australia. The partnership with R And C Civil Group symbolises our commitment to Australian home-grown talent and our desire to build capability among First Nations People through our intuitive software – Drive Lynx.”

The EV20 development team will provide software integrations to orchestrate an overall digital technology structure for R And C Civil Group.

“We’re very excited to embark on this partnership and demonstrate that digital technology can vastly improve operational efficiency, bridge gaps and build capability. We look forward to the growth of R And C Civil and its contractor community as our success indicator,” says Chris.

Take a free product demonstration or trial of Drive Lynx today, from our website here.