Top three misconceptions about logistics careers

There are many misconceptions about logistics careers.  And we are here to debunk them. Why? Because the more Australia offshore logistics software support, the more detrimental it is to customer service and delivery. It also doesn’t bode well in fast tracking critical decisions that require experience on the job to understand.

And, what is more, home grown logistics expertise is critical for sovereign capability. Something that every country is considering as we all become vulnerable to global risk.

And lastly, vocational career pathways are vital to create next generation opportunities for young Australians and to secure our country’s intellectual property. Every year, EV20 supports National Skills Week to dispel myths about vocational careers.

So let us take you through the top three misconceptions:

  1. Thinking you’ll be limited to a warehouse all your career is a myth.

In logistics, you can move from a commercial warehouse to the military in a humanitarian effort, or to a hospital, or large complex operations where you become the essential worker who keeps systems and processes in operation. These are all complex project management implementations that span across multiple sectors.

  1. Thinking that you have to do a degree to work in logistics is a myth.

Many supply chain Masters courses are perfectly suited to Australians who have worked in warehouses for years. They are the ones who understand the business of logistics and will make proficient problem solvers in such courses.

Logistics careers combine traditional skills like lean, six sigma and project management, with emerging 21st century supply chain skills such as big data analytics and artificial intelligence.

The developers at EV20 Consulting Group have a combined 400 years of software experience in logistics. They can vouch for the vocational mantra: “learn by doing” having most of them starting their career in logistics software and now working on innovative solutions that rival the world’s best. Review our employees, their interests and career highlights here.

  1. Thinking vocational training will not bring six figure salaries or career progression is another myth.

Logistics software is an exciting career and highly diverse in scope and career potential.

Not many people know that forklift drivers can earn over $100,000 in Australian warehouses and truck drivers can well exceed this number.

Apart from the salaries, logistics careers can develop into technical roles. According to EV20’s software developer, Anjana Premaratne, “Developing for Drive Lynx, the EV20 solution for project management and operational efficiency, has become my drive to work each day. Building a world class product from the ground up is exciting.”

If we do not dispel these myths within our own workforce, our country can forget attempting any sort of sovereign capability in this sector. We need to secure our future.

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